Non-profit R&D studying cognition in distributed systems through games. We develop hardware, wetware, software, and multi-agent runtimes for cognitive tasks.
Creating VMs, computer languages and compilers for portable and distributed deterministic computing using applied category theory.
Studying and enhancing Bitcoin-related protocols - the most adversary-resistant distributed computing environments with embedded economic games.
Developing cryptographic solutions for multi-agent systems operating in adversarial environments.
Applying neuroscience and neurophysiology for modelling and developing artificial cognitive systems with recurrent and spike architectures.
Experimental studies for the use of neural tissue (organoids and cultured slices) for reservoir computing having native recurrent neural architecture.
Computer vision and pattern recognition solutions not based on artificial neural networks, utilizing instead explicit algorithmic energy-efficient approaches.
Additionally to academic research, institute publishes open standards and open access journal.
Standards & best practices for distributed protocols utilizing bitcoin blockchain, lightning network, state channels and related technologies, in cases when they do not require changes to bitcoin consensus level.
Publishes original research in the field of distributed and decentralized adversary-resistant multi-agent systems.
Active research projects from the Institute laboratories.
Client-side validation is a new approach in the field of distributed computing, when the data are not fully replicated across all the nodes of a network but selectively propagate in peer-to-peer mode basing on ownership properties.
Blockchain-less consensus solution for client-side validating systems, which utilizes zero-knowledge to achieve constant size of the consensus global state and O(1) scalability.
This work addresses the problem of computational integrity proofs (correctness of the actual computations) made by some non-trusted (anonymous) third party without repeating the whole volume of the actual computing.
A new form of Lightning channels which can be created and run by multiple participants in scalable and byzantine-fault tolerant manner. This significantly increases capital efficiency, improves liveness and doesn’t require the creation or participation in an atomic swap routing network.
Computer modelling of recurrent spiking architectures, such as Hopfield and Grossman networks, used for abstraction and symbol computing.
Hippocampus and prefrontal cortex slices fused to mimic the properties of symbolic computing discovered in computer models.
As a results of our research activities we have developed a number of software products, all of which are licensed under free software licenses.
Pure functional RISC virtual machine, assembler and runtime designed for deterministic portable computing tasks.
Strict types is a formal semantic and notation system for encoding algebraic data types in a portable & deterministic way.
Portable human- and machine readable language for structural data, designed to be a better XML and JSON alternative.
Pure functional language for practical programming made with category theory.
Functional declarative programming language for RGB smart contracts, based on Cation.
C libraries for fast image processing for pattern recognition tasks.
Researching and implementing smart-contracting systems based on Bitcoin that bring privacy, scalability and security to it as a commitment and consensus layer.
Studying and enhancing Bitcoin-related protocols - the most adversary-resistant distributed computing environments with embedded economic games.
Exploring and enhancing Lightning Network anatomy and ways to improve the architecture of the Network by bringing in new types of channels, nodes and interaction models.
Set of network protocols and microservice helper libraries utilizing CA-less decentralized cryptography (Noise framework...)
Modern Web of Trust solution for self-sovereign serverless identities usable in multi-agent decentralized environments.
Protocol and software suite for secure private messaging and file sharing applicable for adversarial multi-agent environments.